

The Maritime Executive

10-11-2019 03:11:02

[Brief] Search assets of the Salvamento Maritimo have recovered the body of a passenger who went overboard from the cruise ship Costa Pacifica off Cape Trafalgar, near the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. 

On Thursday night, as the Costa Pacifica was under way on a voyage from Funchal to Malaga, a 75-year-old Dutch passenger went over the side from a deck about 35-50 feet above the water. Salvamento Maritimo received a report of the incident at about 2245 hours, and they launched a search. The rescue tug Maria Zambrano attended the scene, along with NATO assets.

At 0900 hours on Friday, the Salvamento Maritimo helicopter Helimar 207 located the body of the victim at a position 45 miles southwest of Cape Trafalgar. The Maria Zambrano recovered the remains and got under way for the port of Algeciras. 

Costa Pacifica continued on her commercial voyage, arriving at Malaga at 0930 hours Friday. She has since departed for Civitavecchia. 


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